on left Henry Hurdus, sitting on wagon Sarah Sunderland (his daughter) in middle wearing apron Sarah Ann Hurdus (nee Broome) his wife, and his other daughter Elizabeth. This was taken I would say around early 1900's outside their factory.

Another photo of the Hurdus family outside their home. The woman on left is Elizabeth, Sarah Sunderland is sat on the wall and Sarah Ann Hurdus at the front door (wearing apron) Henry Hurdus is the one with the pocket watch, the other men are his sons.
I have mentioned the Hurdus family before in this journal. Sarah Ann Broome, the sister of my great great grandfather Samuel Broome, married Henry Hurdus, a herbal brew manufacturer from Chadderton.
I recently received a communication from a descendant of theirs, their great, great grandson Mil, and from this I have been sent some photographs of the Hurdus family.
I was also contacted by Ron, Mil's cousin, who also provided me with a lot of information on the family, plus some photographs.
Both are in Australia, I have enjoyed their emails tremendously.
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